Are objective speech intelligibility and quality measures biased?
Supervisors: Jorge Martinez Castaneda, Dimme de Groot
Automatic understanding of meetings and negotiations
Supervisors: Stephanie Tan, Edgar Salas Giron´ es
Computer vision for helping diagnose leprosy in Nepal
Supervisors: Jan van Gemert, Zhi-Yi Lin, Thomas Markhorst
Finding different ways to break a solver
Supervisors: Anna Latour
How Much Data is Enough? Learning Curves for Machine Learning
Supervisors: Taylan Turan, Cheng Yan
Measuring Heart and Respiratory Rate With a Camera
Supervisors: Jorge Martinez Castaneda, Kianoush Rassels
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Environmental Insights
Supervisors: Jing Sun, Tiexing Wang, Alexander Heinlein
Propagators for Constraint Programming 1
Supervisors: Emir Demirović, Maarten Flippo
Testing Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocols
Supervisors: João Miguel Louro Neto, Dr. Burcu Kulahcioglu Özkan
What if fanfiction, but also coding: Investigating cultural differences in fanfiction writing and reviewing with machine learning methods
Supervisors: Hayley Hung, Chenxu Hao, Ivan Kondyurin
“We need to learn how to teach Machine Learning” (by Amy J. Ko)
Supervisors: Gosia Migut, Ilinca Rențea
Created by Jordi Smit